Borders are the boundaries between countries, protecting one nationality from another, however, they are also a symbol of cooperation and mutually existing ideologies.
Simply, we need to implement a new paradigm, so that borders can become places of integration between countries developing a shared vision. Ultimately, a standard of peace and potential ought to be set. The potential is that countries live in harmony, and the border areas are stepping stones between nations, not walls and barbed wires.
A two mile wide zone between nations can be created that accentuates harmony and cultivates earth stewardship at the same time. Starting at borders where it is currently possible, we invite school children from both sides of the border to plant trees and other native plants along this mile long strip on each side of the border between countries.
This will symbol each country's pledge to care for the future climate, and to express faith that peace between countries will grow. Bringing trees and plants to the edges of countries will be a mirror type action that shows that all people are dependent on nature for air, water and life.
People can donate money and adopting trees, adopt groves, knowing they are contributing to a healthier climate and a richer relationship between nations.
To create PEACE FORESTS where children from both sides will plant trees and nurture them to maturity in honor of those who were lost in the past and look towards a future different from the past. These peace/weapon free zones will set the groundwork for expanded relations, and as the trees grow, so too will the efforts they represent, greater peace between nations, understanding and cooperation.
Costs… 2 million dollars for start up, donations, government grants, emplying many people to care for trees.
Benefits 2 Billion dollars ...
The result will be diminished need for weapon production, less need for security and arms, hiring soldiers and creating a culture of war. Rather a culture of peace and gardening, appreciation and joy.
Peace Forest and Nation Border Wildlife Sanctuary Border
As a solution to ongoing conflicts between bordering Nations, such as Ukraine and Russia, Palestine and Israel, North and South Korea, etc, the Earth Harmony Foundation is proposing a Paradigm shift, that of planting a ‘Peace Forest’ to be planted along the border between such nations in historical conflicts as well as between nations at peace as well.
Responding to existing conflicts and wars purely with military means has had the effect of expanding aggression, creating civilian casualties , spending important country wealth on items of destruction, which then need to be replaced, and cementing local differences into generational opposition.
The world does not need endless military support at the places of contention in the world, in fact the world needs the opposite, the advance of peace in these fragile regions.
The plan for the Earth Harmony Peace Forests and Wildlife and Climate Protection areas is to allow the trees and natural world to support our intentions and prayers for peace.
Trees will be planted by children in towns and villages, and cities and farms closest to the Borders. As the trees grow, they will reach towards the borders with their arms of unity, and supply branches for birds, mammals and insects to nest, and find homes.
When this happens on both sides of the borders the forest will have started.
It is obvious that people have more in common than what separates them. From Sports to music, opera, art, architecture, all people share concerns for a sustainable and increasingly healthy world
The Earth Harmony Foundation supports concerts for Peace, where music unites where war fails.
Even as the world is tormented by the war, it is still in love with the music of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, etc. let the cultural icons stand above the destruction. The Rimsky Korsakov piece The Great Gate of Kiev being the initial theme of this program, the great place of unity.
Same for Israel and Palestine, let the towns each side of the borders plant the trees. Let the North Koreans and South Koreans unite via a forest that consumes the borders.
Let us see the world we wish, all borders as a sanctuary, filled with native wildlife flourishing and the oxygen emitted by the planted trees correcting the present day-off balance climate.
Let the children who plant the trees feel empowered that they are creating a future world that they want to be part of and are creating.
Let this start immediately, let the United Nations set this in motion now.
Let there be a joint venture but the Climate and Peace and Nature Departments of the United Nations to utilize their potential and instill such a vision wherever possible.
Let there be an installment to designate the Forest, and a website to amplify it. Even amphitheaters to perform concerts and programs, musicals and dramas of unification.
1. Intention
2. Protection of Climate
3. Wildlife and Endangered Species Protection